“There is no something called best custom Rom”
if you ask the question “what’s the best custom rom for my phone?”, most probably you will get the answer like “ there is no something called best custom rom”. it’s all about your taste. Custom ROMs are developed when users are not satisfied with stock rom in terms of performance or appearance.
Specially users who are on Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i which is a low end device, need or try to get better performance. If you visit XDA developers, you may get good custom Roms developed for Samsung Galaxy S5830i. still it’s all about your taste. you may not satisfied.
But you can try to create your own Rom based on stock Rom
It’s always better to start with a fresh copy of your stock Rom. read our post How to un-brick Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i to learn about flashing a fresh copy of stock Rom. it’s not necessary to start with fresh copy of stock rom.
Step 1 (Super user access/ Root your device)
Root you Device – Yes everybody want to get Super user access on your device. nothing is new. read our post How to root Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i
if you don’t like Superuser app, install SuperSu from Google play. update the binary if it’s available. set SuperSu as default app to grant super user permission. then uninstall Superuser and restart the device. Now you have SuperSu as default app.
Step 2 (Accessing file system and changing file permissions)
Install Root browser. light weight app which can be easily used to browse the file system and change the file permission
Step 3 (Delete unwanted bolt-ware)
Stock ROM comes along with tons of bolt-ware which are not useful for majority of users. it consumes lot of internal storage. you can free some of internal storage by deleting unwanted bolt-ware. You must not delete system file. what files or apps can be deleted?
ClockWidget.apk - Clock Widget.
Deskclock.apk - Clock Application.
Dlna.apk - All Share Application.
DualClock.apk - Dual Clock Widget
Email.apk - Email application, you can always download your desired application i.e Yahoo Mail, Gmail.
EmailWidget.apk - Email Application Widget
FmRadio.apk - Fm Radio Application.
Forest.apk - Live Wallpaper.
Gallery3D.apk - Gallery Application, can be replaced with other applications such as QuickPic.
GenieWidget.apk - News and Weather Widget.
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk - Quick Search Box, for searching information inside the phone such as text files, image, etc.
HTMLViewer.apk - View Html Codes.
lcdtest.apk - LCD Test
LiveWallpapersPick.apk - Live Wallpaper Picker.
Maps.apk - Maps Application.
Memo.apk - Memo Application, can be replaced with similar application.
Protips.apk - System Tips
SamsungApps.apk - Samsung Apps
SamsungWidget_ProgramMonitor.apk - Program Monitor Widget
SamsungWidget_StockClock.apk - Yahoo Finance Widget
ScreenCaptureService.apk - Makes Screen Shots
Swype.apk - Swype, writting input method. Delete only if you dont use this method.
thinkdroid.apk - Office Application, can be replaced with another application.
TtsServices.apk - Text To Speech, part of Maps, Google Translate. DO NOT delete if you use Google Maps or Google Translator.
TwWallpaperChooser.apk - Touchwiz Wallpaper Selector
UnifiedInbox.apk - Social Hub Application
UserDictionaryProvider.apk - Dictionary for Latin IME Keyboard
VoiceRecorder.apk - Voice Recording
VoiceSearch.apk - Voice Search for Google Search, Google Maps
wipereceiver.apk - Wipes device remotely if stolen, part of Samsung. Its your choice, either keep it or delete it.
WlanTest.apk - Test Wlan Connectivity
Youtube.apk - Youtube Application. it’s better to install TubeMate which can be used to download YouTube video
Step 4 (Get rid of adds)
You may not in a position to buy add free versions of android application from Google play. Problem with free versions of apps is advertisements. How can you get rid of those adds. it’s simple. download and install adAway . This is not available in Google play. https://sufficientlysecure.org/index.php/adaway/
Step 5 (Use light weight launcher app)
It’s better to use a light weight launcher app. it’s up to you. but personally I prefer Zeam Launcher. Do not move this to SD card if you going to set it as a default launcher. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zeam&hl=en
Step 6 (Install Linkt2SD)
Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830i is lack of internal storage. you can move all the newly installed apps into SD card using this app, making more room in your internal storage. download free version of Link2SD https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.buak.Link2SD&hl=en
Step 7 (Edit Build.prop/ build.prop tweaks)
This is optional and highly dependent on your knowledge about how you do it correctly. but there is no rocket science. it’s simple. It’s better to spend sometime to read some good guides on the topic with XDA- developers site. I’ll give a link for one of them. but there are many and it’s worth to read.
There are many other things which can be used to customize your device. if you want to change your default font to ROBOTO, or change your default ringing tone to one of your favorite sound file, it can be done easily.
Step 8 (Install Custom Kernel)
Best custom kernel so far I tested is Rafael.Baugis kernel. you can read more about this custom kernel from XDA-Developers web site.
why do you want to install custom kernel?
Normally Samsung Glaxy Ace 5830i CPU runs at 832 Mhz (1.26V). Power consumption (Battery life) is directly proportional to CPU frequency. if you can run your CPU at low frequency (whenever possible), you may extend your battery life. by installing a custom kernel, you can set your CPU frequency using CPU governess.
also you may get benefits of init.d , zRAM, swap and ramzswap by installing Rafael Baugis Kernel.
please download the installation files and read more about the topic at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1818830
How can you set CPU frequency and governess? download No-frills CPU control from Google play. I recommend not to set minimum clock frequency to 156 MHz. it may result random restart of your device. You can refer right side screen shot which shows CPU data for last 21 hrs. device was operating at 832 MHz frequency only for 18 min (1%) while it was running 3 hrs and 40 min (17%) at 312 MHz minimum frequency.
you can check your CPU data and history using CPU Spy which is available at Google play. I recommend not to restart your device using terminal emulator command “reboot” after setting new frequency values or a governor. it’s better to switch off your device and switch on it again. otherwise new values may be not applied at boot by giving error unclean shut down.
Step 9 (Move App to your SD card)
you can make more free space in your internal storage by moving application to external SD card. also you can install new applications directly into external SD card. only thing you need to install app called Link2SD. you can easily find it from Google Play.
Link2SD create mount script which mounts 2nd portion of your SD card at startup. you must have init.d support to achieve above objective. there are two ways to get init.d support for your device.
- install a custom kernel with init’'.d support
- install app called universal init.d from Google play.
Step 10 (Custom Boot animation)
Most of us do not like default Samsung Boot animation. can we change it? it is not simple. but I’m going to tell you an easy method to replace you default boot animation with any of your favorite boot animation. but make sure that you need to follow the exact procedure. if you fail to do so, you may end up with getting boot loop.
If you want to create your own boot animation, it’s not that difficult. read our post How to create your own boot animation.
- Download a sample bootanimation.zip
- Download bootanimation (file)
- Download samsungani (file)
- Transfer bootanimation.zip, bootanimation and samsungani to your SD card.
- You can use Root Browser (you already installed this app as per step 2 in this post) for following operations.
- Move bootanimation.zip file to system/ media folder
- change permission to rw- r— r--
- delete all the .qmg files in system/ media folder
- Delete bootanimation and samsungani files in system/ bin folder
- move bootanimation and samsunggani files (downloaded files) from SD card to system/ bin folder
- change permision of both the files to rwx r-x r-x
- restart the device.
You can use any custom boot animation which is compatible with your screen size. but boot animation file must be named as bootanimation.zip. it must be placed at system/ media folder and file permission must be set to rw- r— r--
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