What is Briss ?
This project aims to offer a simple cross-platform application for cropping PDF files. A simple user interface lets you define exactly the crop-region by fitting a rectangle on the visually overlaid pages.Where can you get it from ?
http://briss.sourceforge.net/How can you use it?
Mainly this is used for editing PDF for e-reading. It’s simple. you have to change the size of rectangle which defines the crop area. you can draw more rectangles on same page to define more crop areas.This is the PDF document I’m going to use as the source.
1. Start briss and load your PDF file for editing. it will prompt input window for “enter pages to be excluded for merging”. if your PDF is having 5 pages and you have decided to edit each of them individually type 1-5 and press enter. batch editing is possible with briss. if you cancel the input window, briss will merge all the five pages one above other and can be edited with single crop region defined by you.
2. Briss main window willl load with default crop region rectangle (1). size of this rectangle can be resized by left click + drag at small two squares located at top left corner and right bottom corner.
3. Then you can draw another crop region rectangle by left click + drag to define the size of rectangle. in this case I defined three crop regions.
4. File menu – action – crop PDF/ type your new file name and press enter. your new PDF is ready as you wished. if you want to optimize this for e-reading, please read our K2pdfopt guide.
This is the preview of new PDF with three pages. This can be further optimized for e-reading. best tool for optimizing for Kindle is K2pdfopt. we have written separate guide to help you.
Also you can watch YouTube tutorial on the same.
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